For today, let's look back briefly at 2007, the year of giggling girls, fake references, selling shorts, animal crackers, apologies, favorite letters, sneezing at consulates, hands in marriage, focus groups, radio quizzes, non-existent bar mitzvahs, stamp syndicates, snappy answers, cultures of commenting and come-on-guys-let-me-stab-this-guy. The usual. Try indulging me for thirty seconds of your time and choose your three favorite shows of this year. I did this exact same thing a year ago to what I presume was incredible success.
My three, in no particular order, are Slang Contest, Hands in Marriage, and Sophie's Choice. None of these are especially high-concept, which is fine, but they're all hilarious and uniquely Seven Second Delay. And, at times, oddly moving. I've isolated what, for my money, was the single best moment of 2007. On what other show does that happen? It's almost surreal and yet weirdly satisfying. This is what makes me glad to be a long-time listener. Love this show.