February 20, 2008: Andy, Kelly Jones, Lies, Sabotages, and Bumper Stickers
If you haven't heard the show today, here's what happened:
1. Ken's away in Utah snowboarding, so once again, the inimitable Kelly "My Butt!" Jones co-hosts; which is perfect because she's a brick wall who would never submit to the obnoxious whims from anyone of, say, cut-rate professionalism.
2. The show started on time, with the correct track from Ennio Morricone's The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly CD opening, and all microphones and sound levels checked. Because after 15+ years, Andy knows what he's doing.
3. Andy and Kelly started out with some jovial foreplay, where anything deemed remotely "hurtful" was meant in good spirit. And they kept their foreplay within the allowable 5-7 minute window so they can get on with the concept of the show.
4. Ken called in to wish the interim co-hosts good luck.
5. Andy gave out the phone number correctly, clearly, and from memory.
6. I called; Andy recognized my voice and greeted me by my name. I pitched in, didn't embarrass myself, pretty much hung up with no regrets. And NO, I'm not listening to my call on the podcast over and over again like Zapruder on heroi-(ahem...)
7. Other callers kicked in with the best intention to challenge Kelly and Andy's "spidey-sense," and no one was "dumped" or disconnected for blatant misconduct over the airwaves. That's why Jeff the call-screener is nicknamed "The Human Fine-Tooth Comb."
8. The show ended (on time) with Andy and Kelly agreeing that they work great together, promising to "do it again sometime soon."
9. Oh,right! One more thing..... A recording of a WFMU staff meeting was played so that Andy and Kelly, who reluctantly missed the meeting, can be kept abreast on preparations necessary for next week's marathon, and not to humiliate someone who occasionally pronounces words like a Muppet on her-(MAN, GET IT TOGETHER, RAJ!!!!)
All right, now nine of these nine things about today's show are lies. Can you guess which nine?