Cute Babies & Dead Pets

Because Seven Second Delay is a strange kind of therapy for Andy, this entire episode was modeled after his life. It was an experiment in yins & yangs, ups & downs, happy music & sad music, and, of course, cute babies & dead pets. You can hear a whole bunch of stories that Andy wasn't at all interested in listening to here (RealAudio) or here (MP3).

The greatest story of the whole episode was the one about the mother who grabbed her sobbing child and rolled off a Disney tram in order to rescue a bag of toys. To help all of you who want to tell this story as your own, here's the best picture I could find of a Disney tram:

Also, I was thinking that maybe our comments on this episode could alternate between really positive reactions and remorseful responses. Who wants to cue the music?

Love on the Run

April 26, 1995/November 22, 2006: How's My Driving?

Here's what I'm going to do for you.

Everyone's got a manuscript in a drawer, right? You add a page or two a year to that semi-biographical opus that you know, you just know would be destined for a place atop bestseller lists and housewives' nightstands, adorned with the seal of Oprah's Book Club, if only Random House ever called you back. Everyone has that problem, right? Well, I mean, I don't. As you can see, I write on the internet. I don't need to worry about that sort of thing.

But in the spirit of the New York Times, here's what I'll do. Through the publishing powers of this blog, I'm giving you the once-in-a-lifetime chance (let's face it) to put your manuscript on the internet. Do you know who reads the internet? It doesn't get much more charitable than this. You don't even have to pretend to be the Unabomber.

And it won't be easy. The internet has some pretty high standards and I'm not going to let just any old turgid romance through. So if you want to be considered for publication, post your manuscript by leaving a comment below and --

Oh wait.

Yeah, never mind.


As a special gift, Ken decided to serve us a train wreck episode just in time for Thanksgiving. I recommend setting the table around your radio, gathering the whole family, and feasting on this special archived episode of Seven Second Delay from April 1995. If your grandma is anything like my grandma, she'll love all the unabomber jokes! They never get old!

You can download this special treat as a podcast, or you can listen here (RealAudio) or here (MP3).

If you all ever hear future episodes start to crash like this one did, just look on the back of your radio for a little sign that should read something like this:

How's My Show Going?


Okay, blog buddies, let's post all of our greatest Seven Second Delay show ideas here. We will do another post in a few weeks for all of our worst show ideas... though the two categories sure seem to blend together sometimes.

Exhibit A

What is possibly the most-often-cited piece of evidence in the continual struggle for supremacy between Andy and Ken has now been archived for instant accessibility. Exactly what kind of supremacy is being fought for is not always clear. Sometimes it's the moral high ground, other times it's seemingly enough to make the other look stupid.

Exhibit A in the case against Andy Breckman is "the time Andy made Aunt Tess cry," from September 25, 1996's Cheering People Up. Other prosecution favorites include Andy not recognizing the voice of his then-wife (from Joke Calling Episode), and, more recently, tormenting a nine-year-old boy to the point of tears (from Andy Outbids the Tooth Fairy.) Still unarchived is the episode in which Andy kicked a teenager out of his band on behalf of his bandmates.

There are, obviously, certain incidents Ken might find particularly damning, and two of them have worked their way into Andy's regular zinger rotation. The first is the time Andy was able to convince Ken that in the nascent years of commercial airplane travel, airlines provided entertainment for their customers by putting clowns on the plane. The second is Ken's misunderstanding of "lowering/raising the bar," and thinking that the phrase refers to a limbo contest. Neither are currently archived.

Each case is being immortalized on the archive page for future generations to listen and judge, but it's becoming clear that the evidence is building up on one side but not the other. When they close the book on Seven Second Delay they might not have got the most nuanced picture.

By the way, I don't know who "they" are. I'm not sure I really care.

Cheering People Up

So, it's a bit mysterious why Andy isn't on the show tonight. In his e-mail to me, Ken said that Andy, "called in sick," though at the conclusion of Maria's show, she said, "Andy couldn't take the rain." And, yet another reason was given at the start of tonight's rerun episode, when Ken said that Andy is "so broken up about the election that he can't make it in tonight."

Where do you all think Andy is?

Tonight's rerun is from September 25, 1996 and, if you listen, you'll actually hear Andy make an old lady cry. You can listen here (RealAudio) or here (MP3).

The Future Of .Comedy

November 1, 2006

As we now know, the Web may be as World-Wide as ever, but it's harder to get the URL you want. However, according to GoDaddy, the following addresses, each with the coveted .com e-suffix, are still available at press time:


If anyone out there still cares about Seven Second Delay enough to homestead on some of this e-real estate and start a competing fan site, I don't see what's stopping you.

Bloggity Blog

Andy: They said this town would eat me alive, and here I am on the world wide web!
Ken: There you go!
Andy: I've been hearing about the world wide web and now I'm on it!

On this week's show, Ken and Andy made me feel real bad for not posting here more often. Andy thinks this is because I'm falling out of love with the show, while Ken correctly guessed that I was just getting busy with school. I'm sorry, dear readers and listeners, for not providing you with more timely commentary. Although, I have to admit, it's kind of wonderful to hear Andy so worried that I'm losing interest in him.

Now, I don't know how closely you all were listening this week, but, there's a really wonderful moment that I would like to draw your attention to. There was a moment during this show when, I know this is going to sound shocking, Andy recited the correct phone number effortlessly. Click here to hear this pivotal moment in SSD history.

The rest of the show was full of candy swapping and this amazing kid named Rufus. You can here the entire episode here (RealAudio) or here (MP3).

Are Milky Way bars really for losers? What candies do you all love to trade and acquire around Halloween time?