Wednesdays 6pm - 7pm on WFMU 91.1 fm 90.1 fm wfmu.org

You love the show. You can’t believe you got through.

Andy Breckman and his only friend Ken Freedman, have been hosting their live one-hour show every week on WFMU since the early 1990's.  This often painful run is due in no small part to Andy’s self hatred and that Ken is, in fact, the station’s manager.

Convinced Seven Second Delay was too big just for just the airwaves (note the egos you’re dealing with), Ken and Andy decided to broadcast the live “train-wreck” at the Upright Citizen's Brigade Theater in New York, where in front of an audience they interview celebrities, musicians, eccentrics and any one else who may help further Andy’s career.

Ken and Andy only host the show at the UCB every other week, which of course confuses everyone and clearly isn’t helping ticket sales. So, to review: One week the show will be broadcast from the UCB, and the following week it will be broadcast from the WFMU studio, which is now referred to as “detention.”

iTunes Feed Seven Second Delay with Ken and Andy is also available as a podcast. For more info on how to have the MP3 archives of Seven Second Delay with Ken and Andy delivered automatically to your computer and/or MP3 player, visit our Podcast Central page.

With love, go to hell.